Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Ladies & Gents,
I just watched Confessions of a Shopaholic and although not the best movie on the planet, it was endearing in some ways and made me chuckle at my own spending habits. I am by no means as awful with credit cards as Rebecca Bloomwood and in fact I only have one, with a spending limit on it (best idea ever, btw). Buttttttt.....I do understand the insanity of what so many women and men do in this day and age. Spend. We all love to spend. We love the satisfaction of a tag on a new item just waiting to be snipped off or the smell of new leather shoes or the gratitude of a nice passerby on the street who says she loves your NEW bag. It's the longing for satisfaction from either yourself or those around me. Personally, it's both. The most important critic is of course me and if it doesn't exude fabulosity and confidence then it wasn't worth it but it is SO nice when someone comments on your own style and admires your take on the world of consumer products. Right now, for instance, I am gushing over this DVF Keoni rainbow top that I tried on in the store in NY in February but couldn't bring myself to buy. But now, its on sale at Neimans. A girl could cry. But, I stopped myself. As much as I have dreamed about it the last two nights and keep thinking about walking back into the store to buy, I can't. I even tried it on multiple times and it was cuter on then on any lousy mannequin or hanger. :( I need to learn to save. My closet is overflowing with items I either haven't worn in ages or only wore once, and I just cleaned out my closet last weekend. Sick, I know. It would look so lovely on the hanger on the bottom shelf front and center of my hanging side but I refrain. For now. Last Call is July 15th, everyone. I know it won't be there but a girl can dream. 

Hope everyone had a lovely Wednesday evening. Architecture Digest dish to come soon. Fabulous interior design that I'm dying to share with you all!

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Love hearing from you guys! Your comments make me smile :) It's like getting mail (and not the bills). Have a fabulous day!